My Plan
What Matters
Better management of projects and communication between city departments and contractors
Create realistic timelines on repairing and maintaining the current infrastructure of roads, sidewalks, sewers and water connections
Seasonal 24/7 construction where applicable outside of residential areas
Suspend the installation of the new Neptune water meter installation program and wave the inspection fee until the growing number of complaints for residents can be properly addressed through a 3rd party investigation
Consistent start and end dates to projects
Penalties implemented into contracts with contractors who fail to meet time-lines.
Standardized Expectations Contract per project with contractors. To protect the city and residents from having to pay for essential repair work, within five years of the completion of a project
- Insure that future infrastructure continues to meet the needs of our growing city
Community Safety & Security
Though most residence feel safe, I believe that safety and security is at the heart of our community. Crime and disorder impact negatively on the quality of life of taxpayers. It influences our decisions to use public spaces, real estate values and businesses.
Crime prevention requires a balanced approach between reactive and proactive measures that bring together police, community agencies, residence, and schools that is also supported by a city council willing to make the necessary changes to achieve this at a municipal level.
- Develop strategies with the police, key stake holders and residence in the community to address the root causes of crime like gangs and drug houses. Suppressing their operations and taking our neighborhoods back one house at a time. One block at a time.
Balancing the Budget
- Closely examine requests for funding and budgets brought before council to maximizing our tax dollar investment back into our community and city
- Suspend and review the residential composting program
- Make a motion that the REAL board report to council by June 2025 with a clear directive, business and feasibility plan going forward.
- No to any revitalization of the Scarth Street Mall to traffic
- in regards to the building of the new Aquatic Center. It's my understanding that I could move for a motion to city council to hold a plebiscite for residence to make the final decision on this project and I would
- Take a comprehensive look at what the city spends and where it's spent to stop the waste on time. While properly allocating money and resources to where they are needed
- Work with businesses/entrepreneurs to create more job opportunities which will help our economy grow and create more jobs
City Services
- Increase quality and frequency of services offered such as snow removal and sweeping on residential streets
- Suspend the new water meter installation program and wave any inspection costs related to residents concerns until a comprehensive review can take place by an outside third party.
- Restore weekly waste and recycling collection
- Equip Transit buses with debt card readers
- Better utilize our Fire Service Paramedics by creating two manned response units. Providing better EMS coverage while allowing other fires services to remain available. It saves money from having large fire apparatus responding to EMS calls
- Increase parking meter times to 15 minutes for $0.25 from the current 7 minutes
- Utilize all the resources available to better service all the residents of Regina and look at innovative new ways to provide the services we require as a growing city
- Develop better and more effective communication between City Departments and Contractors that provide services
- I recognize the unique challenges of our residence experiencing chronic homelessness. I'm aware of the impact it has on our community. That's why it will be important for me to work with community agencies, organizations and residences finding creative and innovative solutions to reduce homelessness and the social impacts it creates in the community.
- Work with the Regina Street Team to expand their role into the Heritage area.
- I support the city's current Rapid Housing Plan. This plan has recently housed 54 residents and in some cases their family permanently. It provides ongoing assistance and programs. The plan was funded by the Federal government and includes another recent $35 Million dollar grant to build 55 - 70 new permanent units by 2026.